About Writer

Assalamualaikum, may peace be upon you. 

The name is Auni which means my serenity and soft spoken/ 'lemah lembut'. Not so young anymore, already approaching mid 20's. I write to manage my thoughts, emotions and hopefully spark some nour into this world along the way. If my writings can benefit even a single person, then I will continue writing insyaAllah. 

I spend my time and money on cultivating my mind and home garden. My main interests are books, gardening and culture. Studied psychology for 4 years in a local university in Malaysia, with minoring in al-Quran and Sunnah studies.  Have a passion in tadabbur al-Quran and Arabic but still constantly studying and developing my knowledge base.

Hopefully, you can get some benefit from my humble writings. 

You can reach me at sparkalittlenour@gmail.com. Kindly give credits and let me know if you want to use any part of my writings somewhere else. 


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